
Showing posts with the label sex life

Things to Check for Satisfactory Bed Hours

After a round of love-making, you find that you are happy and your partner is lying beside you with a smile. But somehow somewhere something is just not letting you feel the ultimate essence of the session you had with him. You are just not getting that clue as to what is making you feel agitated, especially when nothing has gone wrong during that moment. Well, do not panic unless if it keeps happening every time. Even if it happens the second time, try to find out the core of the matter and keep an eye on a few factors. Are you and your partner suffering from lack of confidence? Sex cannot be done with lack of confidence and this is true for both the partners. Even if one of them seems less confident, the show might not be successful. So, check what makes your partner take interest in the session and not raise complaints. If he wants you to get full naked or put some make-up, do it with pleasure, and make sure to fulfill your demands with equal pleasure. Are any of you suffering